Bit of colour, today, because I have a writing update for you!

I am currently in the middle of writing several short stories — all of which, I am looking to publish separately throughout 2023.
I have also started working on a nonfiction guide to writing your own book! It's a mixture of a walkthrough, insight, and anecdotes from my own writing experiences. It's in the very primitive stages at the moment.
As with most writing, it is a journey.
I have no idea when the guide will be published yet, because I am planning, writing, and adding to it, as and when I have the time and energy to give to it.
At the time of writing this post, I am about 7000 words in — with the aim of being between 40,000 and 60,000 words when the manuscript is complete. Not a small undertaking, as you can see, but I know I'll make it.
The advice I'm giving through this book will broadly resonate more with poets — because that is where my expertise lies, for the most part. Still, it's going to be written in such a way that principles and discussions can be applied to any type of writing. Even academic writing, if you think about it.
I'm not entirely sure about the structure of the book because, as I write, it seems to change direction ever so slightly. So I need to find a pattern within that change of direction. I'll get there.
All I know is that it will be good!
On the short story front, there should be something for everybody. Some of the stories I'm planning are due to be quite sad; some of them are quite dark. Quite a lot of them are character studies, or 'emotional studies', focusing on psychology and characterisation.
I like to think that the variety of genres and stories will appeal to a wide range of people.
One of the short stories I am most proud of is one of tragedy. A tragedy that occurs in a local chapel…the question is, was it really a matter of a terrible accident, or something else entirely?
And, of course, while all that is going on in the background, I will be writing these blogs to keep you entertained (at least I hope you'll be entertained). So, I will use this moment to quietly thank you for your support — as always.