Yesterday, four people visited my website in 15 minutes (two were from across the pond, as it happens).
Nothing groundbreaking, I know.
However, it made me smile.
Smile as – one by one — the notifications came through.
These may be frequent visitors (hello and thank you, if you are), or they may be completely new with no idea of who I am, or what I stand for (hello and thank you, also).
(Who can blame them, it took me ages to start figuring that out?)
That's me — the chronically ill, disabled, mental health advocate — whose superpower is writing and the stamina that I possess.
With each person who returns to my content, website or books as reference, comfort, or insight — there is more appreciation to be shared.
With each new connection, new arrival, there is an opportunity to learn and grow together.
I care about all the people who support me, offline and online — so thank you.
If you feel called to, read my story, a overview of how I got to be where I am!