For Years, No Tears Have Been Shed
You ask me why I frown
Because I can't cry
A tear hasn't been shed in years
Of course the tears are always there, but they come dry.
I can scream, with only the ground for support
I frown, and my eyes are sealed; people don't want to look too long
I smile, and I have to let people in
And we all know how that ends
I smile, and the tear ducts are open
The flood gates lay bare
But of course there are no tears left to flood the room, so the anguish melts and stagnates within me
Burning me up from the inside
Like the residual ashes of a cigarette end
For once, just the once, I would like not to be used and abused.
For once, I would like not to be the bad guy for trying to be a friend
But, naturally, I am the narcissist for believing, not from lack of trying, that I am a good person