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I Have Submitted a Short Story

Hello, I just wanted to jump on (there is a reason I've never said that before), and let you know that I have submitted to — hopefully and potentially — be published as part of an anthology. I understand that I may or may not be accepted into the anthology, but even so it feels like a monumental moment. because it is the first time I have had a particular focus on writing short stories. As well as actually submitting them, and putting my work out there in this way.

I have previously submitted some poetry to some poetry competitions, but nothing as serious as I have taken this submission. I feel like submitting my work to various literary ‘places’ will be a different avenue to cover in terms of my writing. It could open some doors and opportunities that publishing my work in another way would not. And if published, it gives me the opportunity to get my writing in front of new eyeballs — which is really important.

I have found through this that I like the idea of being under a strict deadline, and certain parameters being set upon me. It channels my thoughts and allows me to conjure up a good story in a different way to that of having complete creative control. It has been interesting to learn about this and explore this in the process.

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